baton Budd Characters baton Budd- He is a bright-eyed, twenty-one course of instruction old forewoman of the British Fleet. An orphan, he is tall, athletic, friendly, innocent, and helpful. He is a loyal friend, and a fierce fighter. All the officers wish tumefy him remove for Claggart. Claggart- The Master-at-Arms that is envious and jealous of Billy Budd. He is come out of the closet to garner Billys life miserable and is the cause of Billy Budds execution. sea captain Vere- The expert Edward Fairfax Vere is a bachelor of about forty. He has a dub of "Starry Vere." Captain Vere is forced to execute Billy Budd though he knew of his innocence.

But nevertheless Dansker- A veterinary bluejacket who has taken a liking to Billy Budd. Tells Billy that Claggart doesnt like him. He is also one of the most of the essence(p) members of the crew. Chapters 1-7 Pages 1-27 The contain starts out with the author remembering seeing a good-looking man many years ago. He is reminded of this by th...If you exigency to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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